These are names for different types of clay targets thrown and standard rules used at most clubs You may only load your gun with 2 shots at any time for either a single or a pair.
Any type of target that flies. Includes Standard, Midi, Mini and Battue targets, when called generally means a
single bird unless used in combination with other words or types of targets.
A rabbit, a target that rolls and usually bounces across the ground, it can sometimes go into the air and when it does it becomes known as a flying rabbit.
Flying rabbit
A rabbit target that flies into the air.
Slang for a rabbit that does not bounce but only rolls.
Slang for a rabbit target that sometimes comes out in the air and sometimes rolls and/or bounces along the ground.
One target is thrown, you may take two shots at it, when called alone refers to birds. If an odd amount of targets are thrown, the first target is generally a single (rarely is it thrown not as the first target because this confuses the shooters), new shooters will sometimes play games in which the trapper will only throw singles, rarely will more advanced shooter play with more singles than needed(only stations with odd amounts of targets thrown).
Single rabbit
A subset of Single, one rabbit is thrown, you may take 2 shots at it
Single bird
A subset of Single, one bird is thrown, although if all birds are used it is generally just called a single. You may take 2 shots at it.
Two targets are thrown, you may take 2 shots in combination. Also can be called double almost anywhere the word pair is used(may change grammar slightly), when called generally refers to bird targets.
True pair
a subset of Pair, two bird targets are thrown together, you may take 2 shots in combination, they are generally called a "Pair", this ambiguous name makes it confusing when if you are unfamiliar with the way things are called.
Pair of rabbits
a subset of pair, this is called when two rabbits are thrown together, you may take 2 shots in combination
Bird-rabbit pair/rabbit-bird pair
When a bird and rabbit are released at the same time, rarely if ever used, very difficult targets (requires a quick shot and good eyes to find the next target)
Nested pair
a subset of pair, two targets are thrown, a mini is put under a regular and when released simulate a bird and a young, most people find that shooting the small one first and than the larger one is easiest if attempting to hit both, however new shooters often shoot at the big one first to have a higher probability of hitting at least one of the two targets
Following pair
a subset of pair, a target is released and then another target is released soon after (generally as fast as the machine or trapper can reload another single, however not always). When called generally refers to birds.
Rabbit following pair
a subset of following pair, a rabbit is thrown and another rabbit is thrown (generally as fast as the machine or
trapper can reload another single, however not always).
Bird following pair
a subset of following pair, is when a following pair of birds are going to be thrown, almost only called that when
rabbits are being thrown at that station.
Bird-rabbit following pair
a subset of following pair, a bird is thrown and than a rabbit with a timed delay as the targets are loaded in separate parts on 2 machines(with 2 trappers for manual machines, or 2 buttons for automatic machines) or on one combination machine(almost always manual by 1 trapper), rarely if ever thrown
Rabbit-bird following pair
a subset of following pair, same as bird-Rabbit following pair but rabbit is thrown first, rarely ever thrown, even more rare as bird-rabbit following pair and generally will confuse shooter.
Report pair
is a subset of pair, a single target is thrown and as soon as the shooter shoots, another target is thrown, usually refers to bird targets.
subset of report pair, when a bird is thrown and then a rabbit is released after the gamer takes a shot.